Contact us at GMT!
Göteborgs Maskinteknik Gmt AB
Britta Sahlgrens Gata 2
412 31 Västra Frölunda, Sweden
(Högsbo Industriområde)
Phone +46 31 – 451525
24 hour service
Since we are a complete workshop partner, we offer 24 hour-service. GMT’s managers can be reached at all times, round the clock.
In case of machine breakdown, our repair teams are quickly on-site to inspect and offer repair alternatives, estimated cost and length of repair time.
Looking for a job?
You are always welcome with a spontaneous application. Send resume and a personal letter telling you about yourself and your knowledge, experiences and future plans to and we will get back to you!Contacts

Dag Aronsson
– Sheet-metal and machine workshops
– On-site machining
Dag has a broad knowledge based on many years of experience. Contact him concerning all matters regarding our services.

Krister Ajdukovic
Workshop Manager
– Machining
– On-site machining
Krister mainly work in the machine workshop. Contact him about cutting machining.

Denis Ajdukovic
Workshop Manager
– Sheet-metal workshop
– Fitting and assemblage
Denis is specialized in projects concerning assemblage and industrial maintenance. He answers question regarding these areas.
CAD files
Send us your CAD files. They’re a good starting point when we discuss costs and the work ahead. If applicable we then transfer the files to the NC machines.
If the surface shape or the machining is complex, we do a CAM preparation. This makes the production more efficient.
All operators of the NC machines are well trained on our software. They are experienced in welding and milling with correct NC preparation. GMT continuously invest in up to date technology and trained staff.
Send CAD files to:
Phone: 031 – 451525
Mobile: 0708 – 152997
We accept the following file formats:
Our software: